Saturday, May 5, 2012

Love Those Around You

The past few days have been pretty productive! Today I took the GRE, ran 6 miles with Eric, cleaned my whole house, cooked a delicious dinner, and ran a lot of over-due errands! He gets off work in a few hours and then we're going to celebrate Cinco De Mayo! I'm so proud of my man...he's worked over 60 hours this week! We hardly ever see each other except when we're both home around 10 or 11 pm and go on our nightly runs and tell each other about our day. We look forward to our runs all day long and love the time together. I'm training to run a half marathon in June up in Salt Lake, and then after that, hopefully a marathon! All I need to do is talk Eric into joining me...

This week I've been doing a lot of observing and pondering about the concept of showing those around you how much you love them. Thursday when our team was on the road and heading up to Salt Lake for our first show, we got stuck in some major traffic on the freeway. As we approached an accident we all saw a man who had died from a motorcycle - which was now nothing but little shredded pieces scattered around the road - and saw the EMT'S trying to revive him with chest compressions. That image will probably never be forgotten, along with the gut-wrenching feelings that accompanied it. I realized that you never know when the last time is that you're going to see someone. They can be taken in an instant. Never pass an opportunity to express your appreciation and love to those close to you. And NEVER pass up any time you can have with them...even if it means running together at 11 pm.

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