Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Now what?

A little over an hour ago I walked out of my last final...
(I had to take these...the testing center line went all the way around the JSB, past the ESC, and to the SWKT...I''m soooo glad I didn't have to wait in this...)
(click on this picture so you can see how long the line was....the consequences of procrastination)
The final was for the class I've worried and struggled with all semester - mostly due to a confusing and not-so-fun professor. I've been extremely stressed that I would have to take a C for a final grade, something that has never happened before. EVER. I know there is always a first time for everything, but can I just opt out of that one? Well, thanks to hard work and a lot of praying, I'm getting a B! Seven finals later I have officially finished my senior year with almost all A's.
(studying for finals in the library for hours on glad it's over,  it was starting to get to us...)

(Apparently finals were getting to Snickers too...she has hated being home alone all week. I saw this picture on campus today and had to take a picture...look familiar?)
So now what? Eric's Hale Theater Play that's been going on since January just closed last Saturday and tomorrow...he graduates! Can you believe it? Then Monday we both will be saying goodbye for a few weeks while he goes to New York and I head up to visit my family in Washington. Eric is going straight from New York to Las Vegas where he will have a second shoulder surgery. From there he'll head back to Provo to start rehearsals for his newest play, "Guys and Dolls!" While in Washington I get to fly out to San Francisco to watch the Amgen Tour of California (perks of being a nanny) and get to see San Fran for the first time! Then I head back to Provo for a week of rehearsals and shows, and then fly out to St. Louis for a 2-week long tour! Sound like an eventful next 7 weeks? Yes.

I'm so relieved to be done with school and am so excited to finally have time to do everything that's been itching at me all year long. 

Dear Summer,

Bring. It. On.

-a very happy and stress-free me

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Blessings in Abundance

As each semester begins to wind down I think how busy and stressful it has been. But somehow, the next semester decides to be even busier and more taxing. Yesterday I heard Eric tell a friend that he would go crazy if things were slower...and that he liked being busy. To tell you the truth, I do too (I get it from my mom). I love being busy, always having things to do, clean, study...but this semester has been absolutely insane...and sadly my grades show it. I could blame it on a lot of things, but while each of those "things" has made things harder, stressful, and distracting...they have also brought joy into my life, made me a stronger person, and been a blessing in many ways.

Ever since the first week of February, Eric and I have been searching for a new place to live. Not just "casually" searching here and there, but spending every free minute on ksl, driving through neighborhoods, and walking through new homes and apartments. We have many reasons for looking, but the main one is we need somewhere with a yard for our puppy. It's been a very stressful and frustrating process, full of prayers and tears. We have found so many places, only to have one thing go wrong. This past Sunday we found another place we absolutely love (granted this is probably the 300th place) and we felt good about paying the money to submit an application. We are still patiently waiting (and praying) that things will go through so we can move in by the end of the month. I know deep down that if it is meant to be, everything will work out. And if not, like everything else, we will keep searching. 

With my frustrations of house searching and everything else that has happened the past few months, none of it outweighs the blessings that I have been receiving on a daily basis. After I heard about the bombings yesterday in Boston and started following it on the news, my heart was full of sorrow for all of those who lost loved ones or had loved ones affected by the tragedy. I really have so much to be grateful for and though my trials are significant and not forgotten by the Lord, they are tiny matters compared to the grand scheme of life. I am so blessed to have a husband who walks side by side with me and shares all of my frustrations and worries. He is such a wonderful counselor to me and constantly supports and loves me, regardless of my short comings. I'm also blessed to have a roof over my head, a car, food in my fridge, and friends galore who never let me down. I have the most incredible family on both sides who constantly show their love and support for Eric and I. And most importantly, I have the gospel and the knowledge that my Heavenly Father does love me and is mindful of me. What more could I ever want?

Friday, April 5, 2013

Conference Traditions

I love this time of year! General Conference always comes at a needed time when I'm searching for direction and peace. It's funny how the older I get, the more I look forward to conference and the more I learn from it. I am so grateful that we have a living prophet today who can counsel and guide us in our everyday choices.

Growing up my mom always let us pick our favorite snack or treat and we would help her make it so we could eat it during conference. We also would build forts and watch conference from inside them. I keep trying to get Eric to do that...but it won't be possible with a puppy this year. Does your family have any fun conference traditions? 

Eric's 26th birthday

Can you believe my man is 26? I sure can't. What's even weirder is I'll be turning 22 this year...and that just seems really old. I still think I'm 19 half of the time and I have to remember I turned the big 2.1. last year. Yikes! 

We celebrated his birthday with friends last night (due to him having a show tonight on his birthday) and it was a complete success! He wanted a night with games and we planned a party and made his favorite better-than-sex cakes.

One of the activities we did at his party was having everyone fill out a survey. Two of the questions that had the best responses were what song describes him best and what epitaphs would you write on his grave stone. Here are some of the responses:


  • don't stop believing
  • tiny dancer
  • next to lovin' i like fightin' best
  • a boy named Sue
  • i need a hero
  • woolly bully
  • waitin' on a woman
  • creepin


  • three square meals a day they said, Eric had 5 and now he's dead
  • and the gingers rejoiced (inside joke...)
  • the tiger won
  • i'll be back
  • the honor code is safe again
  • whose we white boy
Today was his actual birthday and we decided to go around and get a couple free meals using his birthday coupons and discounts. It was pretty fun (not to mention the interesting encounters we had)....
After eating, and eating some more, we went home and he opened all his presents from me! Now he's at his show and I'm getting ready to bake his favorite dinner, Manicotti. 

Eric works so hard all the time and I'm so proud of him. A lot of people who don't know him are often intimidated and scared by his presence, but he truly is one of the most loyal friends I've ever known. He constantly is reaching out to others and doing things for those he loves. He's a little man with a big heart, and I sure love him! Happy birthday Eric!