Two weeks ago I started my last "first-day" of school for my undergrad. Since that day, I've had a lot of "I'm really old." moments on campus. Just the realization that I'm starting my fifth year here...makes me feel old. Not to mention I know a great deal of both faculty and students as I pass from class to class and I can tell I've been here a while.
But I'm not complaining.
I love it. I love being here and I love knowing so many incredible people who have and still are changing my life. Along with those "feeling old" moments, I've had a lot of emotional moments. I'm not ready to say goodbye to BYU and move on. I know I still have a few months here, but just thinking about leaving makes me miss it already.
As a result, I am soaking in every single moment, every opportunity, absorbing every smile, and seizing all the teaching moments I have been given.
Our theme for our Folk Dance show this year is The Journey. When Jeanette announced this at our team retreat it brought tears to my eyes as I thought to myself, how appropriate. I began this journey 5 years ago as a little freshman in a big sea of strangers. But it didn't take long for BYU to become my home and those "strangers" to become my best friends for eternity.
So here I am, a super senior (by choice...). Married for over two years already to a graduated man who works a real job with a real salary. Completed two minors and almost my major (two classes away). Been part of five tours with the BYU Folk Dancers and preparing for two more next year. Just submitted my graduate school applications last week. I can't help but feel a little old.
So here's to the beginning of a new year as I approach the end of this incredible journey. I've learned so much and have accomplished more than I ever dreamed of - all results of living righteously and consistently getting on my knees for direction. May this be the best year of my life with many more to come! Go cougs!