Sunday, December 9, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

December 9th already? Where has the semester gone? I'm not complaining though...I'm more than ready for Christmas break! Us Gourleys are keeping busy, studying hard, playing hard, eating a lot. The usual. I got sick over a week ago and with no signs of decline or a recovery ahead, I'm pushing through. I took my 3rd final yesterday morning in a quiet computer lab...and I'm sure they were all very excited to see "that one girl who just WOULDN'T STOP COUGHING" go when I left. Four more days and we will be heading out of Provo! Here's what we've been up to:

Spent Thanksgiving in Vegas with the Gourley family and enjoyed all the time we could get with our new baby niece and nephew. The boys enjoyed a Turkey Bowl, us girls enjoyed some shopping. The food was delicious, as always, and we had an enjoyable night with all the family and extended family. We also enjoyed some family pedicures, tennis, and wally ball!

Eric eating his drumstick that was bigger then his plate!

We came home and jumped right back into our rehearsals. Eric had 5 last shows of Holiday and I had 4 Christmas Around the World shows. We had family from both sides come to watch us in our shows and we are both so blessed to have supportive family on both sides. We were both sad and happy at the same time to have our shows end. Eric got nominated for nationals and gets to go to Los Angeles in a few months! I'm super excited for him!

We've been busy making our apartment as festive as possible! While I was in late night rehearsals, Eric surprised me and added some cute decorations all over our apartment. He sure knows how to make me smile!

We didn't want to go out and get real stockings, so we got creative with paper. Pretty cute, huh?
Eric really wants a puppy for Christmas. Sadly, we can't have puppies where we're at, but we have already picked out the breed we want...whenever that day comes. I was thinking around his birthday time when we graduate and move...but now our plans are changing! I'm grateful for prayer and revelation that keeps us making the right choices, even when it wasn't our original plan. Yes, I just might be staying another year. And I'm really excited about it. But it's not for certain, I'm still exploring my options.

This past week we had our folk dance closing social and dance. Jay, the hubbys best friend, stood in for me as my date because Eric had a mandatory final. It was a fantastic night!

I've taken 3 finals and have 5 more to go. It's going to be a crazy week but we already have plans for everyday to keep us sane from all our studying. Last night we drove around looking at Christmas lights for a few hours. We started fantasizing about our future when we'll have a house of our own to put up Christmas lights. How exciting will that be? Friday night we went to a wedding reception and then walked around the Riverwoods looking at Christmas shops and all the beautiful lights. Everything is just so beautiful at this time of year! Almost all my Christmas shopping is done, and I'm just enjoying the season as it rolls on by. If you haven't had time, you should pick up your Ensign and read some of the beautiful Christmas messages in it. After all, it is the happiest time of the year!