Saturday I sadly had an all day rehearsal in South Jordan for Clog America, but luckily we got out a little early and Eric dropped me off at the mall so I could join the mission shopping party. It was really cute watching how excited my dad got as they walked around picking out shoes, jackets, and suits. My mom and I just sat there smiling and talking about how weird it is that Garrett is growing up. Sometimes I wish we could just go back to being little.
Though my family headed back to my cousin's in Bountiful a few hours later, it felt so good to see them and spend time with them. I miss them everyday. When it came time to say goodbyes, I broke down again. You think it would get easier, but it only gets harder. Later that night when Eric got home from work he was also really sad that he hadn't gotten anytime to be with my brothers. We decided to go get comfort food to cheer us up, but then decided against it since it was almost midnight and we're trying to be healthy. Instead, we just cried in each others arms for a good hour. I feel very fortunate to have supporting parents who are willing to drive 11 hours one way to see me dance. They are such good examples of support and sacrifice. Eric and I are truly blessed to have the families that we do. We tell each other all the time, no one could be luckier.
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